Volunteering in Spain

At Beyond Education we believe that you should live experiences that make you grow; volunteering is one of them. Based on your age and interests, we will put you in contact with organizations that offer volunteering opportunities.

Why do we recommend volunteering?

Reaching out

Reaching out and discovering realities with which you are not familiar.


It increases empathy


Meeting people of different socioeconomic backgrounds.


It favors positive values such as solidarity, commitment, responsibility and constancy.


Strengthen your CV with experiences that are highly valued by employers.


Personal satisfaction.


Meet and interact with other volunteers.


Helping other people boosts your self-steem.

Organizations we work wit

Fundación Balia

It is a social entity that helps with the education disadvantaged children so that they can get out of poverty and grow as responsible, committed and happy people.

The Youth for Social Transformation project is an initiative aimed at teenagers and young adults between 16 and 25 years old. It aims to raise awareness about poverty in Spain. They train young volunteers in emotional competencies that will help them both in their work with children and in their own lives. Volunteers work with children between 3 and 12 years of age. Activities (games, sports, handcrafting) are designed to enhance personal values and social skills.


It is a social enterprise that, using its own methodology, promotes volunteering in Madrid. They connect teenagers between the ages of 14 and 18 with organizations where they can volunteer and develop skills and competencies that will help them in their academic and professional lives.

They offer ongoing volunteer programs in social, environmental and cultural institutions. After the student’s profile is analyzed, taking into account their interests, skills and availability, a volunteer program in which to collaborate is proposed to them. They offer volunteer opportunities during the afternoon, weekends or summer season. “Volunteering is a very effective learning method”

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