| +34 617 801 590

Counseling on Spanish schools

At Beyond Education we have an extensive and detailed knowledge of Spanish schools. We help you and your family select and apply for the perfect school for you.

At Beyond Education we know the keys to choosing the best school for you, that is why we value:

1. The academic system

2. The school values

3. The international community that is part of the school and student adaptability

4. Parent onvolvement and family-school communication

5. Infrastructure, teacher/student ratio, extracurricular activities and board leadership

6. Feedback from other parents, specially regarding rhe management of complexity by the school

Spanish education consultants:

Receive personalized advice and enjoy the best academic experience in Spain

We find a school that brings out the student ́s full potential. To do so, we evaluate the student's profile using academic and socioemotional criteria

Choose a school in 4 steps:


Interviews with student and parents


Proposal of selected schools


School visits


Preparation for Interviews

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