We are Beyond Education...

We are the education consulting firm that helps you design your vocational pathway and guides you in defining and achieving your goals, offering you the best national and international educational opportunities and a diverse range of experiences that will allow you to fulfill your potential.

We accompany you in your journey towards the best version of yourself.

One team, one story

In 2018 Mercedes, Emiliana, Belén and Patricia, educational consultants and psychologists, but, first and foremost, mothers aware of the needs of today’s families, children and teenagers, got together and created Beyond Education.

Today, 5 years later, we have formed an experienced team that works day in and day out with children, youth and families.

Beyond Education Consultora educativa

Founding partners

Beyond Education Mercedes Gómez Badiola

Mercedes Gómez Badiola

Academic consultant

Beyond Education Emiliana de Oteiza

Emiliana De Oteyza Pacanins

Psychologist and coach

Beyond Education Belén Ureña

Belén Ureña

Academic consultant

Beyond Education Patricia Pizzolante

Patricia Pizzolante De Oteyza


Our Team

Beyond Education Fiorella Barroeta

Fiorella Barroeta

Academic consultant

Andrea Pizzolante


Juan González


Beyond Education Patricia de Oteyza

Patricia De Oteyza

Academic consultant

Carmen Olazabal

Academic consultant and representative of Beyond Education in Portugal

Valentina Gómez

Academic consultant and representative of Beyond Education in Venezuela

Beyond Education Lourdes Urdaneta

Lourdes Urdaneta


Carmen Irene De Lisa


Diana Rangel


Ana Alameda


Bárbara Calpe


Andreina Duarte


Lorena Valenti


Beyond Education nita aspiazu

Nita Aspiazu

Academic consultant

Beyond Education Paula Arce

Paula Arce

Representative of Beyond Education in Colombia

Anne Marie Riesco Cassel

Academic consultant and representative of Beyond Education in Chile

Pilar Rodriguez Birrell

Academic consultant and representative of Beyond Education in Chile

María Ceron

Academic consultant

Monica de la Peña

Academic consultant and representative of Beyond Education in Puerto Rico.

Sabrina Guerra Moscoso

Arrival services to Portugal

Our team of psychologists and educational consultants will accompany you in defining your own path, step by step. We offer a completely personalized service because in order to help you achieve your dreams, you first need to discover your own potential.

Our mission is to help you know yourself, to guide you and empower you

1. Self-knowledge

We help you become aware of your abilities, strengths, motivations and interests, and then accompany you in discovering your vocation and purpose. We want you to design your own journey.

2. Orientation

We assist you in the selection of schools, subjects, extracurricular activities, summer programs, professional and technical degrees in Spain, UK, Netherlands, USA, and other countries, as well as in the search for your first job.

3. Company

We walk hand in hand with you, answer your questions, give advice on decision making and assist you in applying to schools, universities, institutes or summer programs.

4. Empower

Our goal is that you, building on your strengths, evolve into a more complete version of yourself.

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