| +34 617 801 590

Summer camps and courses

Summer is the perfect time to practice a sport, explore a new interest, learn from teamwork and improve a language, all while having fun and making new friends.

Benefits of enrolling your child in a summer camp!

* Fun is guaranteed!

* Contact with nature

* Practice sports: tennis, golf, horseback riding, surfing, among others

* Make new friends

* Gain independence and autonomy

* Language immersion: English, French, German

Data of interest


7 to 19 years old

Type of camps

- Multi-adventure
- Language Immersion: English, French, German
- Sports: tennis, golf, horseback riding, surfing, among others
- Instructors course

Tell us what you are looking for and, if you wish, we can meet in order to learn your objectives and your child's profile.

Receive our proposal of camps adapted to your child's profile.

We accompany you in the choice of the best program and help you with the application process.

We remain available for any questions and keep you informed of any new developments.

Choose your preferences and find the best options for you

Select country
Select language
Select Activities

Contact us and let your child live his/her first experience away from home!

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