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General questions. about Beyond Education

At Beyond Education we have a standard procedure for each service. However, depending on your needs we make the necessary adjustments in order to achieve the final objective. This is why we collect information from the student through interviews and forms before starting to work together. We are a flexible consultancy that builds close ties and that will help you become the best version of yourself. 
As stated in our name, at Beyond Education we go one step further. We want you to grow academically while also looking after your social-emotional wellbeing. We approach each boy or girl using a comprehensive 360º vision and involve the family in the process.
Yes, we work online using video call platforms. But if you happen to be in Madrid or you are planning to visit soon, we can also see you in person at our offices in Calle Castelló, 128.

Specific questions. Vocational profile

It depends on the type of vocational profile chosen (Express or 360º). From the initial evaluation to the delivery and discussion of the results, the whole process can take 3 to 5 weeks.
The process will vary depending on the type of profile. The student plays an active role at all times, and both the psychologist and the consultant will be there to clarify and inform. In general, the process involves: in-depth interviews with the student, interviews with the parents, psychometric and projective tests, discussion of results with the psychologist and the academic consultant, and defining an educational pathway.
  • A detailed vocational profile that captures all the information we have gathered with and from you. In it we highlight your strengths, motivations, personality traits, skills and professional interests.
  • Our academic consultants, together with our psychologists, will propose professional training courses and/or undergraduate or graduate degrees that will help you plan your professional future and become the best version of yourself.
  • A detailed educational pathway or action planthat will guide your next steps and bring you closer to your goals.
  1. The express profile is aimed at junior or senior high school students, or those who have recently finished high school. The 360º profile is for students of any age in any academic year.
  2. The 360º profile seeks to provide a deeper vision of you; therefore more variables are evaluated during the process. We look into your personality because it plays a fundamental role in your decisions. In particular, we look into how you relate to your surroundings, your ability to adapt, sources of motivation, social skills, problem solving and teamwork abilities, as well as also how you manage your emotions and your coping strategies when in stress. We also interview your parents, gather their vision of you and learn about the family’s professional history. We carry out different activities that allow us to look at you beyond psychological tests.
  3. The difference between the two profiles is the way we reach our results and the elements that we consider in order to obtain them. But rest assured, with either one of them you will gain clear ideas about your professional future.
Even though the vocational guidance process starts in the individual, in our view parents play an important role too. The social and family contexts in Vich someone grows up, the professional choices that have been made in the family, the expectations of the parents, among other things, are important elements that we use in our analysis. We can also advise parents on how to help their children navigate these decisive times. It is important to note that the decision to include the parents or not depends on the age of the child and other variables.
Follow-up sessions are available for this purpose. Depending on your concerns and the time that has elapsed since the vocational profile was completed, you can schedule follow-up sessions with the psychologist or the academic consultant. Together they will review your profile and decide how to incorporate your new insights or if the psychometric tests are to be repeated. Remember that vocational guidance is a dynamic process that feeds on new experiences.
Discovering your vocation is a gradual process that starts at an early age. However, between the ages of 15 and 17 is a good time to start thinking about your professional project, since you will begin to make decisions that will impact your future (subjects to choose, type of high school, universities to apply to). Knowing more about your motivations, desires, interests and abilities will help you transition this path that has just opened up in front of you.

Specific questions. University orientation

The university orientation service can include different elements:
  •  Vocational profile (in case you are not sure about what to study)
  • University proposals
  • Application to universities
Yes, they are independent elements of our university orientation service, so you can hire them independently. However, if you hire the university orientation pack that includes these two services, you will get a discount. Request prices here.
It depends on the country where you want to apply. In Spain and in the United States there are no limits.
The sooner the better. Application timelines vary across countries; however we recommend starting at least one year before the commencement date. This way you can explore different options and their requirements and then focus on the actual applications.   Our counseling is comprehensive. The process can start with:
  • ESO/IGCSE: the vocational profile that includes recommendations on types of high schools or subjects to take depending on the student’s profile, as well as possible degrees to study.
  • High School/IB/A-levels: the vocational profile if you are not sure about what to study or you can start directly with the university proposal service. The university proposal takes into account the profile of each student, including their academic grades as well as their preferences. Finally, our university orientation service also includes assistance during the university application process.
It depends on the student, the country of choice and the specific requirements of the degree in question. In the early stages of the process we define the number of sessions. In our experience it requires at least 4-5 sessions.
We don’t offer this service, but we can put you in contact with specialists in this matter.
Yes, depending on the type of tests either we help you ourselves or put you in contact with specialists.
Yes, we can put you in contact with tutors that help you prepare for the exam. We can also advise you on the exam and where to register.
It depends on how demanding and competitive the degrees and the universities are. Some require a TOEFL score of 100 points or more, others 80, 70 or even 60 points. For the IELTS, between 6 and 8 points.
Different degrees have specific requirements. In general they require around 6.5 in IELTS (or 176 in Cambridge English Score) with minimum requirements in some exam sections. In certain fields of study, such as law and medicine, the English requirements can be 7.0 or higher. In the university proposal we always include both the academic and the English language requirements. Notice that the English requirement is not necessary at the time of application, but once you are admitted. Some universities offer pre-admission English courses if the student does not meet the language requirements.

As in the United Kingdom, English requirements vary depending on the degree and the university. In general, between 6.0 and 7.0 in IELTS, with minimum requirements in some exam sections.
Yes, finding scholarships is another of our services. Please note that requirements vary depending on the country and university and we cannot guarantee results.
In the United States we collaborate with a company specialized in finding scholarships for athletes. We will put you in contact with them and guide you through the process. You should be a top level athlete and be registered in your relevant sport federation.
Yes, the full university orientation service includes assistance with your personal statement.
Yes, the full university orientation service includes assistance with your cover letter.
In Beyond Education we have a very useful guide for making your CV. We will help you with the design and revision.
In the United Kingdom universities guaranty accommodation for freshmen students. You would have to contact them directly, but we can support you in this part of the process if needed.  In the Netherlands universities do not usually offer accommodation, but some do hold reservations on rental properties and guide you in your search. Beyond Education can help you in your search for housing In the United States universities offer housing. The system is designed so that students live at least the first two years in campus (in some cases living in campus is mandatory during the first year). You will have to contact the university directly, but we can support you in this part of the process if needed. If you decide to live off campus, we will not be able to help you.

  • United Kingdom: If you are an EU citizen, we will tell you where you need to go to begin your application, which app to download to verify your identity and, finally, how to submit the application. Once the system confirms that your application was successful, you can travel to the United Kingdom. If you are not an EU citizen, the procedure is different. You will have to go in person to a Visa Application Center for them to confirm your identity and check your documents. We can work together on this.
  • Netherlands: EU students do not need a visa to enter the Netherlands or to apply for residence. However, they will need to provide the university with the relevant identification documents. Your registration at the university will have to be finalized before the start of classes. All incoming students have to register with the municipality. If you are not from the EU the procedure is different. With a few exceptions, students must apply for a visa to enter the country (MVV) and then apply for a student residence permit (VVR). If this is your case, we can support you in the process.
  • United States: We will explain the visa application procedure and answer any questions you may have.

El porcentaje de éxito es de 100%, todos nuestros estudiantes han ingresado en alguna de sus opciones de interés. En ocasiones el estudiante no es admitido en su primera opción, sin embargo durante el asesoramiento nos hemos asegurado de contar con otras excelentes opciones que se adecuen a su perfil y expectativas.
Our success rate is 100%. All our students have been accepted in one of their choices. In some cases students are not accepted in top choice; however, we make sure to have selected other excellent options that fit their profile and expectations.
The essay is one of the fundamental elements in the application. We will work together in the essay, designing a strategy and a structure.

Specific questions. Study Abroad orientation

Preferably for 10-year-olds and above, but it is possible from before. Boarding schools generally have a significant number of 11-year-olds.
Middle school (up to 4th year of ESO) does not need validation/homologation. High school (1st and 2nd of bachillerato) does.
We will put you in contact with specialists.
In the United Kingdom it is necessary to obtain a visa if you what to stay over 6 months. The school “invites” the student and the forms have to be completed by the parents. The visa fee is approximately 850 pounds. Some schools delegate visas to external consultancy services. The visa covers the costs of social security in the country during the student’s stay. We can assist you filling out the forms or in any other stage of the process.

Specific questions. Pre-university courses and summer camps

The specific age will depend on the chosen camp. In general, camps are aimed at children from 6 to 18 years old.
It depends on whether your child has already slept away from home, if he/she is shy or is accompanied by siblings. In general, it is recommended for kids over 8 years old. Our counseling is completely personalized. We always take into account the personal circumstances of each child and try to find the camp that best fits their profile and objectives.

No, but we can recommend a travel agency.
It depends on the type of camp; usually from 1 week to 2 months.
Most programs are 2-4 weeks, but there are also 1 week programs.
You can enroll in a pre-university course from the age of 14. However, it depends on the program.
You will need a certain level of English to keep up with the pace of the classes. Some very academic programs require an official certificate such as TOEFL or EILTS. It is important to know the requirements of each program as they may also include academic transcripts and recommendation letters.

  • In the United Kingdom, universities guarantee accommodation for freshmen students. You would have to contact them directly, but we can support you in this part of the process if needed.
  • In the Netherlands, with few exceptions, universities do not offer accommodation, but some do hold reservations on rental properties or guide you on how to search for one. Beyond Education can help you in your search for housing.
  • In the United States, universities offer housing, as the system is designed so that students live at least the first two years on campus. In some cases living on campus is mandatory during the first year. You will have to contact the university directly, but we can support you in this part of the process if needed. If you wish to live off campus, we will not be able to help you.
  • In Spain, student dorms and on campus accommodation are not so common, and students normally have to find accommodation off campus. Beyond Education can help you with this.

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