Pre-university courses

What is a pre-university course?

They are programs offered by universities or educational institutions in which different subjects are taught. Aimed at students between 14 and 18 years old, these programs allow students to explore academic and professional interests, provide first hand contact with university life and teaching systems.

Benefits of taking a pre-university course!

* Explore professional interests

* Firsthand contact with university life and the educational system of the destination country

* Discover personal strengths and areas for improvement

* Increase and diversify your network

* Acquisition of knowledge on one or more areas of interest

* Soft-skill development

Data of interest


14 to 18 years old


Residence, single or shared rooms, homestay.


United Kingdom, United States, France, Spain and Italy.


1,2,3, or 4 weeks.

Our course offerings:

  • Data analysis
  • Architecture
  • Cooking
  • Biotechnology
  • Mathematics
  • Sports management
  • Law
  • Design and Art
  • Economics and Entrepreneurship
  • Creative Writing and Literature
  • Engineering
  • Finance
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Leadership and Public Speaking
  • Medicine
  • Fashion
  • Programming
  • Psychology
  • Criminology
  • Advertising and Marketing
  • International Relations
  • Political Science
  • Technology
  • Photography
  • Volunteering
  • Languages

Choose your destination!

Click on each destination to download our offer according to your preferences or download the complete catalogue.





United Kingdom

United Kingdom

United States

United States



Learn about our volunteer programs

Contact us and share your or your child's interests

We propose courses that fit your profile

We advise you in the final course selection

We maintain communication with the host institution and follow up with the student before, during and after the course

Choose your preferences and find the the best options for you:

Select country
Select subject

Aprende la lengua y la cultura francesa

País: Francia
Idioma: Francés
Rango de edad: 16+
Asignaturas: Francés, Fotografía

Disfruta de un verano académico y divertido

País: Reino Unido
Idioma: Inglés
Rango de edad: 12-18
Asignaturas: Negocios, Liderazgo, Inglés, Derecho, Preparación de exámenes, Escritura creativa, Fotografía, Teatro, Deportes, Análisis de datos, Codificación

Curso preuniversitario en Madrid

País: España
Idioma: Inglés
Rango de edad: 16-18
Asignaturas: Negocios, Liderazgo, Cine, Nutrición, Deportes, Tecnología, Emprendimiento, Marketing

Inmersión académica y del idioma inglés

País: Reino Unido
Idioma: Inglés
Rango de edad: 14-17
Asignaturas: Inglés, Diseño, Arte, Preparación de exámenes, Negocios, Ciencias

Summer School en Madrid

País: España
Idioma: Español
Rango de edad: 16-25
Asignaturas: Finanzas, Data Science, Tecnología, Negocios, Marketing

Experiencia inolvidable en Imperial College London

País: Reino Unido
Idioma: Inglés
Rango de edad: +16
Asignaturas: Arquitectura, Derecho, Diseño, Emprendimiento, Negocios, Inglés, Innovación, Economía y Política

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