Find your profession:
Vocational Orientation Service
You don’t know what to study? Vocational orientation is a thorough and personalized process that allows you to discover your vocation, guide your decisions and bring out your full potential..
Types of professional profiles
High-school vocational profile
- Intended for: 13-16 y/o (ESO and high-school)
- We help you choose the academic system and school that best adheres your full potential: Spanish high school diploma, choose IB subjects or A levels that best suit your profile and academic objectives.
University vocational profile
- Intended for: 17-25 y/o students
- We help you choose a college degree, technical, or graduate program, as well as the best university for you in the country of your interest.
Professional vocational profile
- Intended for: adults
- We help you redefine your professional journey and achieve a fulfilling career. We help you identify the optimal professional fields for you.
What are the benefits of the vocational profile and academic orientation services?
1. Make informed decisions about your professional future.
2. Discover your strengths, aptitudes, interests and motivations.
3. Choose a high school itinerary, IB subjects or A levels.
4. Choose a university degree, major or double major as well as technical programs.
5. Get to know the latest study program offerings.
6. Identify areas for improvement: soft skills and other competencies.
Un equipo
Un psicólogo especialista en orientación vocacional y
un consultor académico te acompañarán durante todo el proceso
Una orientación vocacional
Elige la modalidad de atención:
– Orientación vocacional presencial en Madrid
– Orientación vocacional online
Elige si quieres ser atendido en español, inglés o portugués
An interdisciplinary
A psychologist specialized in vocational orientation and an educational consultant will guide you through the whole process
Personalized vocational orientation
vocational orientation in Madrid
vocational orientation
Choose between Spanish, English or Portuguese
Decide what to study in 3 steps:
Evaluation and information gathering:
Test psicométricos y proyectivos y entrevistas a profundidad con un profesional que permiten la construcción conjunta del perfil vocacional.
Think about your profile:
A space for discussion on the resulting profile in which different professional fields, studies and programs are considered.
Action plan and timeline:
We define all the necessary steps to fulfill the established goals.
What do we deliver?
In a work session we will hand over and discuss with you a complete report with information on your interests, abilities, strengths, motivation and personality traits, as well as recommendations on studies, universities and future jobs.
Do you want to see a sample report?
Download one and check out how we can help you define your professional future