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University of Camilo José Cela

It is a flexible and transversal university, grounded in solid values that enhance continuous learning. Its fundamental pillars are innovation, to fully develop each student’s potential; interdisciplinarity, because they believe new teaching methodologies must adapt to modern times; and internationality, which connects them with the world.

Diferentes campus según la carrera elegida. Cuatro en Madrid centro y uno en Hoyo de Manzanares.

* Location: Madrid (España)

* Founded: 2000

* Start of course: September

* Employability index:: 90%

* Differential aspects: It processes the recognition of prior studies through the Legal Spain agency at no cost to the student and assists with obtaining a student visa by providing a personalized admission letter.

Offered studies

  • Degree in International Relations


  • Master’s Degree in International Relations and Communication
  • Master’s Degree in the Study of Interventions in Emergencies, Disasters and International Cooperation
  • Degree in Business and Technology


  • Master’s Degree in Human Resources: Organization and Talent Management
  • Master’s Degree in Digital Marketing; Communication and Social Networks
  • Master in Protocol Management, Production, Organization and Event Design
  • Master in Family Business Management
  • Master in Logistics and Supply Chain Business Management
  • Master in Political and Business Communication
  • Master of permanent training in Techniques, Tools and Skills for Personal Growth and Professional and Relational Development
  • Master of continuing education in MBA in Luxury and Lifestyle Brands
  • Master of permanent training in Logistics and Maritime Law
  • Master of continuing education in Fashion Marketing
  • Master of Permanent Training in Advertising Creativity
  • Master of Permanent Training in Business and Institutional Communication 360º
  • Degree in Digital Arts
  • Degree in Audiovisual Communication and New Media
  • Degree in Audiovisual Communication and New Media (online)


  • Master’s Degree in International Relations and Communication
  • Master’s Degree in Digital Marketing; Communication and Social Networks
  • Master in Protocol Management, Production, Organization and Event Design
  • Master in Political and Business Communication
  • Master in Investigative Journalism, Data and Visualization
  • Master of Permanent Training in Advertising Creativity
  • Master of Permanent Training in Business and Institutional Communication 360º
  • Master of Permanent Training in Image Consulting and Political Consulting
  • Degree in Digital Arts
  • Master’s Degree in Assessment of Body Damage; Medical Expertise and Extrajudicial Resolution of Health Liability Conflicts
  • Master in Mountain Emergencies and Inhospitable Environments
  • Master in Sexology: Sexual Education and Sexological Counseling
  • Master in School Health
  • Master’s Degree in General Health Psychology
  • Master’s Degree in Integrative Osteopathy
  • Master’s Degree in Clinical and Applied Research in Oncology
  • Master’s Degree in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation in Sports
  • Master’s Degree in Neuropsychological Evaluation and Rehabilitation
  • Master’s Degree in the Study of Interventions in Emergencies, Disasters and International Cooperation
  • Master in Strength Training and Neuromuscular Performance
  • Master’s Degree in Hospital Emergency Medicine and Critical Patients
  • Master’s Degree in Nursing in In-hospital Critical Care
  • Master’s Degree in Exercise and Nutrition for Health
  • Master’s Degree in Health Law
  • Master’s Degree in Early Care
  • Master of permanent training in Cardiac Electrophysiology and Clinical Arrhythmology
  • Master in Pediatric Emergencies
  • Master of Permanent Training in Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
  • Master of Permanent Training in Mindfulness
  • Master of Permanent Training in Instrumental Physiotherapy
  • Master of Permanent Training in Clinical Trials
  • Master of Lifelong Training in Athletic Training and Therapy
  • Master in Digital Technology Applied to Teaching Practice
  • Master in Sexology: Sexual Education and Sexological Counseling
  • Master in School Health
  • Master’s Degree in Policies and Governance of Educational Systems
  • Master’s Degree in Guidance and Psychopedagogical Intervention
  • Master’s Degree in Cognitive Neuroscience and Education
  • Master’s Degree in Special Educational Needs and Inclusive Education
  • Master in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language
  • Master in Secondary Education
  • Master in International Education and Bilingualism
  • Master’s Degree in Management, Innovation and Leadership of Educational Centers
  • Master’s Degree in Advanced Teaching Competencies
  • Master’s Degree in Early Care
  • Master in Teaching Methodology for Teaching Mathematics in Early Childhood and Primary Education
  • Master in Sexology: Sexual Education and Sexological Counseling
  • Master’s Degree in Human Resources: Organization and Talent Management
  • Master’s Degree in General Health Psychology
  • Master’s Degree in Guidance and Psychopedagogical Intervention
  • Master’s Degree in Cognitive Neuroscience and Education
  • Master’s Degree in Special Educational Needs and Inclusive Education
  • Master’s Degree in Neuropsychological Evaluation and Rehabilitation
  • Master’s Degree in Early Care
  • Master of permanent training in Techniques, Tools and Skills for Personal Growth and Professional and Relational Development
  • Master of Permanent Training in Mindfulness

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