The direct pathway to university in Spain

We’ll help you achieve your dream of studying in Spain.

98% of our students have been admitted to their preferred university

What we offer?

* Proposal and selection of the degree/postgraduate program and the university in Spain.

* Support throughout the whole admission process.

* Preparation for your arrival to the university: accommodation, foreign degree validation, visa, and other services.

Different university studies in Spain

Study an undergraduate degree at a PUBLIC university in Spain

Selection of Programs and Universities:

  • Information about the Spanish University System
  • Planning and Admission Requirements
  • Selection of subjects in order to prepare for specific competency tests (PCE)
650 € + tax

Application to Universities and Enrollment:

  • Preparation for specific competency tests
  • Guidance for university enrollment
  • Registration for public universities by region
250 € a month

Study an undergraduate degree at a PRIVATE university in Spain

Selection of Programs and Universities:

  • Information about the Spanish University System
  • Planning and Admission Requirements
  • Program and university proposals
650 € + tax

Application to Universities and Enrollment:

  • Help preparing the application
  • Preparation and review of the requirements based on the university: cover letter, essay, or CV
  • Guidance preparing for the entrance exams
  • Support in sending and checking the status of the application
400 € + tax

Study a postgraduate degree in Spain

Selection of Postgraduate/Master's Programs and University:

  • Information about the academic/professional profile
  • Requirements and action plan
  • Proposal of programs and universities
650 € + tax

Application to Universities and Enrollment:

  • Planning and execution of a work plan
  • Preparation of documentation and other required materials
  • Monitoring available spots
400 € + tax

Prepare for your arrival to your university:

Accommodation, residence, or apartments: 250€ + tax

Other Services:

  • School diploma validation
  • Registration with UNEDAassis
  • Student visa
  • Document translation
  • Phone plan
  • Health insurance
  • Opening a bank account
  • Concierge services


Contact form

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Aplicación a grados universitarios
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